Friday, February 25, 2005

Teething Hell

I've decided that Elias has a very low threshold for pain. At least if I think of it that way, I don't have to believe that he is suffering any more than any other baby. In some babies, I've heard that teeth magically appear from one day to the next with no signs of distress. With Elias, it's like amputation without the use of anesthetics. BAD NEWS. Last weekend, the drool started full force. A friend came over and I showed her his gums. She said she thought they looked pretty bad: swollen and red. On Monday, he was so miserable and sensitive. He would just think of falling on his head and start to cry, although at times he would actually tumble (he's really on the move these days, standing up on anything and everything, and VERY DARING), usually resulting in a good cry and a need for consolation. I finally broke down and sent Brad to the store for baby ibuprofen. Reluctantly, I adminstered the first dose on Wednesday morning. I couldn't take his pain any longer. He seemed relieved. I felt relieved. Yesterday morning, same thing. He started to show signs of pain and crankiness and I did it again, and again, we were both relieved. Today, he got a dose in the morning and one at night. After teething oils, homeopathic remedies, cool teething rings, wet washcloths, plastic teethers, rubber spoons, and baby tylenol, I am so tremendously thankful that something is working.

At present, Elias has two bottom teeth (in the middle) and one I tooth (left of center) on the top. According to the swelling, he may have four front teeth on the top before too long. At this rate, I fear that his adult teeth will be pushing through at around 9 months.

1 comment:

Pevil said...

Miss B and I need to get on up there before he has a complete toothful smile! You are the best mom on the planet!